TX: Williamson Co. Relaxes Punishment For People Caught With Marijuana


Williamson County, Texas – The Williamson County Attorney’s office secured a $65,000 grant to pilot the “Cite and Release” program next year.

If you’re caught with an invalid license or marijuana under two ounces, instead of going straight to jail, you’ll get fingerprinted and have to go to a processing center.

“What we’re doing is replacing that jail stay with the processing center; go there, get everything you would’ve gotten information-wise from the jail,” explains Williamson County Attorney Dee Hobbs. “At that point, everything is the identical process that it is now.”

Hobbs says that means offenders would still face the same type of penalties, like jail time and fines if they’re found guilty.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Williamson Co. Relaxes Punishment For People Caught With Marijuana
Author: Lauren Kravets
Contact: 512-476-3636
Photo Credit: KXAN
Website: KXAN