OH: Council Passes Legislation To Hold Public Hearings For Marijuana Legalization


Brook Park, Ohio – City council members passed a resolution Sept. 20 that will initiate a process to manage the presence and implementation of medical marijuana in Brook Park. Medical marijuana became legal in Ohio Sept. 8 for people with qualifying medical conditions.

Council instituted a six-month moratorium during its Sept. 6 meeting that suspended the ability to cultivate and/or establish medical marijuana businesses in the city. Councilwoman Julie McCormick introduced this new resolution after initially wanting to amend one she presented months ago, which subsequently became outdated.

“This would lay out a plan of how we’re going to respond to the state’s legalizing medical marijuana,” McCormick explained to council. “(It involves) holding public hearings and recognizing that our residents have the right to use this and that we need to be responsible in how we implement this in Brook Park.”

The resolution notes Ohio has yet to establish guidelines governing medical marijuana cultivation, sales and processing. It also “recognizes the potential for economic development opportunities that may arise (in Brook Park) as a result of the state’s new medical marijuana laws.” Council wants to ensure, however, that any medical marijuana initiatives are “done safely and responsibly.”

Councilman Tom Troyer emphasized “there are people that can really use this.”

“This legislation complements the moratorium we already passed,” Troyer said. “It gives us a chance to come up with our own rules and regulations concerning this. It’s not recreational but for medical use.”

McCormick indicated in an e-mail to cleveland.com that council members will work with Mayor Tom Coyne to arrange public hearings. The intent is to gather feedback from the community, as well as from industry experts, pharmacists and physicians.

“The goal of holding the public meetings is … to determine how Brook Park will respond to the state’s legalization of medical marijuana,” the resolution indicates. “The council of the city of Brook Park supports the rights of residents to access medical care to alleviate pain and suffering from qualified medical conditions as determined by the state of Ohio and the state’s medical marijuana advisory board.”

Council passed the emergency measure 5-2, with councilmen Carl Burgio and Rick Salvatore voting no.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Brook Park Council Passes Legislation To Hold Public Hearings, Develop City Response To Medical Marijuana Legalization
Author: Beth Mlady
Contact: Cleveland.com
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: Cleveland.com