OH: Belpre City Council Members Discuss Legalized Marijuana


Belpre, Ohio – A city council meeting discusses a controversial topic on Monday.

We are talking about the legalization of medical marijuana in Ohio.

Belpre’s City Council talked about the possibility of allowing legalized marijuana to be sold in Belpre.

A handful of locals sat and listened to the discussion.

Mayor Lorentz talked to us on his thoughts towards selling legalized marijuana.

Mayor Mike Lorentz, of Belpre, said, “It’s going to be legal in the state of Ohio, whether it is going to be here or not that’s going to be the question.

If I’m sitting in that seat, and it’s my vote, I say no…it will not be sold in Belpre.

I have no intention on changing my mind on that.”

Council members decided to take no action at this time, and are further continuing to weigh out the pros and cons of allowing medical marijuana to be sold in Belpre.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Belpre City Council Members Discuss Legalized Marijuana
Author: Staff
Contact: 304-485-4588
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Website: The News Center