MA: Southwick Select Board Tables Action On Planned Medical Marijuana Dispensary


Southwick – Most people attending a public hearing Monday night voiced opposition to a proposed medical marijuana dispensary in Southwick.

About 30 residents attended the hearing at Town Hall which was cal,led by the Select Board to provide a public information hearing on the dispensary proposal sponsored by Health Wise Foundation Inc., a Massachusetts non-profit.

Southwick resident and former police officer Rose Hannah was the most vocal in the audience expressing concerns over potential “robberies and carjackings” because of the location of a marijuana facility. Hannah cited criminal activities in other areas of the country that, she said, are related to such facilities.

Also, Hannah argued the location of a medical marijuana dispensary will “bring no revenue to the town of Southwick since prescription drugs are non-taxable.”

Other residents questioned the impact the facility will have on property taxes, especially for homeowners who live in the 185 College Highway neighborhood were the business will be located.

Other residents questioned if medical marijuana is a first step towards offering recreational marijuana for sale at the former Berkshire Bank building should an election ballot on the subject gain approval in the Nov. 2 elections.

But, Health Wise representatives James A. McMahon and Christopher Acosta said there is not interest in recreational marijuana by their company regardless on next month’s election ballot question.

McMahon and Acosta provided the public a review of the proposal they presented the Select Board last month at that start of Monday’s hearing.

They explained the dispensary is expected to be one of three Health Wise will establish in the state along with its plan to create a production and processing facility in North Brookfield.

They explained the difference between medical and recreational marijuana, noting that medical marijuana provides no euphoric effect on individuals.

Medical marijuana has been proven to provide therapeutic benefit to people suffering from cancer, glaucoma, Hepatitis C, Parkinson’s Disease and other debilitating conditions.

Following the hearing, the Select Board, during its regular meeting, tabled action on the Health Wise proposal.

Health Wise, which will be permitted by the state through the Department of Public Health , has asked town officials to submit either a letter of support or a letter of no opposition to DPH.

Selectmen have indicated they may consider a host agreement with Health Wise.

Also, Southwick has no zoning or other restrictions governing the location of medical marijuana facilities but town officials are looking into creating one or more bylaws that will restrict where such facilities can be created.

Currently medical marijuana facilities are controlled by the DPH with little or no action required by municipalities.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Southwick Select Board Tables Action On Planned Medical Marijuana Dispensary
Author: Ted LaBorde
Contact: Mass Live
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: Mass Live