IL: DeKalb Looks At Revising City Marijuana Code


DeKalb – Aldermen reached a consensus Monday that the city’s cannabis possession ordinance needs to be revised, but how much different it looks compared with the new state law and in other college towns remains to be seen.

“What was once considered a crime, not only has now become very socially acceptable, but the realization of the cost in enforcing the prohibition are costing us a significant amount of money – even at the local level,” 1st Ward Alderman Dave Jacobson said.

On July 29, Gov. Bruce Rauner signed into law a bill that makes possessing less than 10 grams of cannabis – more commonly known as marijuana – a civil penalty punishable by a fine of up to $200.

“While there is a change in the state law, the state law also expressly recognizes that municipalities may choose to regulate this in a fashion different from the state,” city attorney Dean Frieders said.

DeKalb currently imposes a minimum $350 fine for possession of less than 2.5 grams of the drug, including its paraphernalia.

The fines are $750 plus other costs if the issue is adjudicated in court. The new state law would mean the city has to increase the amount of marijuana that qualifies for civil penalties, but the law allows DeKalb to keep its higher fine.

“The city has been progressive on this issue for a number of years,” Frieders said.

The issue made for a lengthy discussion among aldermen during their Committee of the Whole meeting.

There was no action to take, but the elected officials agreed that the city’s ordinance should be changed.

City staff presented aldermen with a list of fines in other college towns, with costs ranging from $250 to $1,000 for possession amounts ranging from less than 2.5 grams to 30 grams.

Members of the City Council said they want to see a revised ordinance that not only decriminalizes marijuana and paraphernalia possession, but also looks out for area college students.

Several of them also said they could support lowering the city’s fine.

One resident spoke to that point when comments from the public were allowed.

“We’re a college town. Let’s lower the fines – let’s set a standard,” resident of the 4th Ward Dwayne Brown said.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: DeKalb Looks At Revising City Marijuana Code
Author: Rhonda Gillespie
Contact: 815-756-4841
Photo Credit: Seth Perlman
Website: Daily Chronicle