CO: Library District To Host Cannabis Forums


As a part of All Pueblo Reads, a series of discussions will be held at Pueblo City-County Library District locations in order to facilitate a community discussion about cannabis. Part 1 was held in September.

Part 2: Cannabis Information Forum: Law & Business is scheduled from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Robert Hoag Rawlings Public Library, InfoZone, fourth floor, 100 E. Abriendo Ave.

A panel of experts featuring attorneys, business owners, scientists and agriculturalists will answer questions regarding Colorado and federal laws, compliancy issues as well as the economic impact to the region.

Part 3: The Science of Cannabis is scheduled for 6 p.m. Oct. 6, Pueblo West Library, King Room A, 298 S. Joe Martinez Blvd.

Jeff Smith, lead researcher on the medical marijuana research and impact studies at Colorado State University-Pueblo, will discuss scientists’ knowledge on cannabis, the positive and negative effects of it and its chemical compounds on the mind and body. Q&A to follow.

Part 4: Cannabis Prohibition? Understand the Ballot Issues is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Oct. 18, Giodone Library, 24655 U.S. 50 East.

League of Women Voters and advocates from both sides will present information on the cannabis ballot initiatives so you can make an informed vote.

For more information, call 562-5600 or visit

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Library District To Host Cannabis Forums
Author: Staff
Contact: (719) 544-3520
Photo Credit: Michel Porro
Website: The Pueblo Chieftain