Arkansas Court Won’t Reconsider Medical Marijuana Ruling


Little Rock – The Arkansas Supreme Court says it won’t reconsider its decision rejecting an attempt to block votes on a proposal to legalize medical marijuana.

Justices Tuesday denied a petition for rehearing filed by opponents of the proposed initiated act that would allow patients with certain medical conditions to buy the drug. The court Thursday rejected a lawsuit by Arkansans Against Legalized Marijuana seeking to disqualify the measure.

There are still two other lawsuits before the court trying to block votes on medical marijuana. One case is challenging the proposed initiated act that was upheld last week, and the court is also considering a separate challenge to a competing measure.

Arkansas voters narrowly rejected legalizing medical marijuana four years ago.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Arkansas Court Won’t Reconsider Medical Marijuana Ruling
Author: Staff
Contact: (479) 442-1700
Photo Credit: Getty Images
Website: Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette