AZ: Scottsdale Medical Marijuana Dispensary Opening Its Doors


Scottsdale, AZ – Just weeks away from putting the issue of recreational marijuana use in front of Arizona voters, Scottsdale is opening up its newest medical marijuana dispensary.

Located near Hayden Road and Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard, Harvest of Scottsdale opened its doors Sunday evening, but not just to medical marijuana patients.

“There are a lot of stereotypes about medical marijuana dispensaries, and we think most of those are unfair, ” Harvest CEO Steve White said. “So this is an opportunity to invite people and show people what things are really like – then they can make their own decisions.”

For Phoenix mother Michelle Kalinski, having treatment options for her children closer to home is a good thing.

“We have gone from the top of seizure medicines to practically nothing, and added the oil in as well and have seen fantastic results,” Kalinski said.

She now uses cannabis products to treat her two young daughters’ seizures after having tried 27 prescription medicines – in one year – that weren’t working.

When asked why she uses alternative treatments for her daughters, she explained that they’re happy and no longer tired and upset all the time.

The million-dollar dispensary is one of the largest in the state.

It’ll also be used to host support groups for patients suffering from chronic pain and diseases.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Scottsdale Medical Marijuana Dispensary Opening Its Doors
Author: Raquel Cervantes
Contact: (602) 273-1500
Photo Credit: Sean Logan
Website: ABC15