MS: Hemp And Marijuana Petition Push


Jackson, Miss. – The Mississippi Cannabis Coalition is calling for the legalization of cannabis.
The group is calling for farming, selling and other uses of the plant to be accepted by the state for adults age 21 and older.

Writers of initiative 60 said there is a seven percent tax on recreational use, and that the tax money would go to the state department of education, human services and public safety.

Organizers said that if the proposal is placed on the ballot and passes, the tax dollars in the first seven months would amount to $17 million.

The petition also asks for the Gov. Phil Bryant to pardon anyone with non-violent marijuana violations in the state.

The opinions on the matter are mixed between residents.

“I think it’s a good idea. A profitable idea,” resident Kyle Lee said.

“It might not be a good thing, only because of students that might not be old enough will have an easier grip on getting it,” resident Jorrie Jones said.

Initiative 48, which was very similar to Initiative 60, was declined.

According to Secretary of State’s website, for a measure to placed on the ballot, a minimum of 86,183 certified signatures must be gathered.

“The Mississippi initiative law affords voters an avenue for addressing important constitutional issues which the State Legislature does not.

After registering the initiative with the Secretary of State’s Office, the official ballot title and summary are prepared by the Mississippi Attorney General. Initiatives are only valid for one year, during which time a petition must be circulated to gather signatures to place the measure on the next statewide General Election ballot. According to State law, for an initiative measure to be placed on the ballot, a minimum of 86,183 certified signatures must be gathered with at least 21,443 certified signatures from each of the five congressional districts as they existed in the year 2000. Signatures must be certified by county circuit clerks. A completed petition is filed with the Secretary of State’s Office, along with a $500 filing fee.

Not only must an initiative receive a majority of the total votes cast for that particular initiative, it must also receive more than 40% of the total votes cast in that election.”

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Hemp And Marijuana Petition Push
Author: Anne Parker
Contact: 601-922-1607
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: WAPT