MI: Dispensary Owners Weigh In On New Medical Marijuana Bill


Otsego County Mi – There are new marijuana regulations now in effect aimed at helping to clarify the state’s medical marijuana law that was passed in 2008.

Governor Rick Snyder signed the bill Wednesday, and today medical marijuana dispensaries are speaking out,

The caregivers are happy that there is finally more clarity in the law as Looze, Nature’s Remedies, Gaylord

“I’m ecstatic,” said Thomas Looze, the owner of Nature’s Remedies in Gaylord.

“At least they’ve acknowledged the people’s voices.”

Thomas Looze is an army veteran and opened a medical marijuana dispensary in Gaylord after he says he found out the benefits for himself after he was wounded in action.

“It’s definitely a big win for the patients and it’s a move forward for our dispensaries,” Looze said.

The three bill package signed by Governor Snyder is meant to help patients get access to safe products.

It will allows marijuana infised products for people who would rather not smoke marijuana.

I would also create a seed to sale tracking system to make sure it has been tested for safety.

Lastly, it would give local government authority to regulate locations and the number of medical marijuana dispensaries,

Looze said “We’ll stay in compliance with what ever it takes to keep our patients in here. We just need the direction and now we’re finally starting to get some direction instead of one place is totally fine and other people go to prison.”

Terry Ewalt is another disabled veteran who is applauding the new laws.

“It’s a good thing,” Ewalt said.

“I think you ought to be able to use it in any form you want to and whatever best suits your situation.”

This bill was supported by the National Patients Rights Association, the Michigan Epilepsy Foundation and Michigan Parents for Compassion.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Dispensary Owners Weigh In On New Medical Marijuana Bill
Author: Connor Hansen
Contact: 800.968.7770
Photo Credit: John McCoy
Website: Up North Live