AZ: Education Officials Announce Support For Marijuana Legalization


Tucson – The campaign to legalize marijuana is announcing the support of education leaders.

Several school board members across Arizona, including Sunnyside Unified School District’s Buck Crouch have endorsed the campaign to vote yes on Proposition 205.

“Never inhaled, never exhaled it,” Crouch said. “But I believe people have the right to make a choice on what they do as long as it doesn’t harm someone else. And I believe the main harm on marijuana has been the laws opposing it.”

If approved by voters, Proposition 205 is projected to raise $55.6 million for K-12 education in fiscal year 2020, according to the independent Joint Legislative Budget Committee.

“It’s a secondary reason,” Crouch said. “I believe that the funding is very important to our schools. Every bit of funding we can get helps. But I don’t believe it will solve the funding issue.”

Gov. Doug Ducey was in Tucson Wednesday. He was rallying the support of local business and law enforcement leaders. He also said the money claims were a lie.

“In Denver there was no more money for schools,” Ducey said. “And after you get done with enforcement and bureaucracy and the social cost, this is a huge financial loser.”

Marijuana would have a 15-percent tax. First, the money would fund the new Department of Marijuana Licenses and Control. Then the Department of Revenue could be reimbursed for its “reasonable” costs. The remainder would go to K-12 education and public education campaigns related to drug and alcohol abuse. $55.6 million for K-12 education is still expected after those expenses.

“This is a true drop in the bucket,” Ducey said.

Arizona’s current K-12 budget is about $5.1 billion, meaning marijuana could add about one percent.

“It does help,” Crouch said. “It helps us pay for teacher salaries. It helps keep the light on. It keeps class size down, and every one percent does count.”

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Education Officials Announce Support For Marijuana Legalization
Author: Sam Salzwedel
Contact: 520-624-2477
Photo Credit: Arizona Legislature
Website: KVOA