Medical Marijuana Supporters File Complaints Against SafeMontana


Helena – Montana Citizens for Initiative 182, the group trying to expand access to medical marijuana, has filed campaign finance complaints with the Commissioner of Political Practices against SafeMontana.

Initiative 182 Treasurer Jeff Krauss said SafeMontana, the group behind Initiative 176, is deceiving voters with billboards along roads in Billings, Bozeman, Helena, Kalispell and Missoula.

Initiative 176 would have made any drug illegal federally also illegal in Montana.

Krauss said SafeMontana, an organization created by Billings businessman Steve Zabawa, failed to fully disclose expenditures for those signs, which they say cost around $64,000.

He also said SafeMontana missed a deadline for campaign finance filing by 17 days, which creates “an unfair advantage and a public perception that is inaccurate.”

Another complaint alleges SafeMontana did not file as an opposing ballot committee after failing to qualify for the November election.

Krauss is asking Commissioner of Political Practices Jonathon Motl to require Safe Montana to stop activities opposing I-182.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Medical Marijuana Supporters File Complaints Against SafeMontana
Author: Mikenzie Frost
Contact: 406-252-5611
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: KTVQ