CA: San Clemente Introduces Ordinance Requiring Permit To Grow Pot


San Clemente’s City Council, anticipating that California voters may lift statewide bans on marijuana by passing Proposition 64 on Nov. 8, will try to maintain some local controls.

The City Council voted 5-0 Tuesday night to require a city permit for anyone who grows up to six marijuana plants inside their home. Proposition 64 would allow adults to grow up to six plants indoors, and cities have the option of allowing that cultivation unrestricted or requiring a permit.

Several council members were skeptical whether the city will be able to enforce the permits or if anyone growing marijuana in the home would approach the city to ask for a permit.

Councilman Tim Brown said the permit would be just a light regulatory touch and the city can repeal it if issues arise.

“I would rather have something in place to that regulatory option,” Brown said.

Scott Smith, city attorney, said the permits would give the city a point of contact if there are neighborhood complaints about cultivation inside a home.

The Planning Commission voted 5-2 on Sept. 7 to recommend the permit. Commissioner Wayne Eggleston, a dissenting vote, attended the council meeting, calling the permit unenforceable and an invasion of privacy.

If Proposition 64 doesn’t pass, the city’s existing codes banning marijuana would remain intact.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: San Clemente Introduces Ordinance Requiring Permit To Grow Pot
Author: Fred Swegles
Contact: 877-469-7344
Photo Credit: Jeff Gritchen
Website: The Orange County Register