Nevada Offers Online Medical Marijuana Card Application


Las Vegas – Nevada officials say they will now offer the medical marijuana card application process online.

The Las Vegas Sun reports that the doing so will eliminate the need for patients to make trips to a Department of Motor Vehicles branch and a Division of Public and Behavioral Health office. Patients will be able to submit all forms on the Nevada Dispensary Association website.

Association Executive Director Riana Durrett says the online system follows a year of negotiations between the association and state officials.

Patients will now only need to leave their computers for a doctor’s visit. The doctor’s approval can be scanned and uploaded to submit with the application.

Durrett says the online system will make things easier for patients with mobility issues and those living in remote areas.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Nevada Offers Online Medical Marijuana Card Application
Author: Staff
Contact: 775.322.4444
Photo Credit: MGN Online
Website: News 4