BC: Regulations For Marijuana Odours Sought In Vernon


The smell of marijuana is causing a stink within Vernon city hall.

A majority of council directed city staff Monday to research potential methods to regulate marijuana odours after a request from Coun. Scott Anderson.

“There have been complaints during the harvest season when the smell becomes intolerable,” he said.

Anderson hopes the process will determine what legal procedures municipalities have to tackle odours from legal and illegal marijuana grow operations in residential neighbourhoods.

However, not everyone supports Anderson’s plans.

Opposition to Anderson’s motion came from Councillors Juliette Cunningham and Dalvir Nahal.

Nahal insists marijuana grow operations aren’t the business of the city.

“It (marijuana) is a federal and provincial jurisdiction so we shouldn’t be imposing it at the municipal level,” she said.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Regulations For Marijuana Odours Sought In Vernon
Author: Richard Rolke
Contact: 1-250-545-3322
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: The Morning Star