You Can Be Fired For Using Medical Marijuana In Ohio, Despite Being Legal


Trumbull County plans to prohibit the use of medical marijuana by county employees, even when it is prescribed by a doctor, and it is legal in the state of Ohio. There is much controversy behind the legalization of medical marijuana in the state, which is the 25th to legalize the drug in the U.S. There are a significant number of gray areas regarding medical marijuana production, consumption, and protection of people’s rights when it comes to using the drug to feel better.

Ohio’s new law goes into effect on Friday and county commissioners will meet Wednesday hoping to prohibit the use of medical marijuana by county employees. A contradiction of the legalization in the state, but the new law does not protect people from being fired for using such treatment.

Governor John Kasich signed House Bill 523 into law, and it allows the use of the drug when prescribed by a doctor. People suffering from AIDS, Alzheimer’s disease, Cancer, Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, PTSD, and chronic pain, are qualified to be treated with medicinal ganja.

Only certified physicians by the state medical board can prescribe the medical cannabis, and it will not be sold as it is typically found on the black market. Medical marijuana will be available as oils, tinctures, plant material, edibles and patches.

Patients can possess marijuana and paraphernalia without the risk of prosecution, which is known as “affirmative defense” and it runs out two months after the state establishes its patient registry. But Ohioans will have to travel to other neighboring states to get their prescription. Even though the law goes into effect on Thursday, medical marijuana dispensaries will be not set up for at least a year.

Legalizing a drug in a state that cannot provide the product will force patients to cross their borders to get their treatment, and lawyers are recommending this action to those who need marijuana to relieve their pain. But a contradiction comes up. Advising clients to go to Michigan and Colorado to buy medical marijuana and bring the drug back to Ohio would be violating federal laws, and lawyers are not allowed to advise people to engage in illegal activities.

This issue has been faced by other attorneys in many states that have legalized medical marijuana and now has been taken into consideration by the Board of Professional Conduct released, which released an opinion on August 5.

Local governments have the last word and marijuana treatment could be indirectly denied to patients
Lawmakers grant local governments a degree of control regarding medical marijuana legalization and they are allowed to restrict or deter marijuana from being cultivated, processed or sold within their borders.

The Canton Rep reports Plain Township trustees will host a public meeting on Thursday, the same day Ohio legalizes medical marijuana, to discuss the new law. Lake Township Trustees will also meet Thursday, and they are considering banning medical marijuana cultivators, dispensaries, and processors. North Canton City Council could follow the lead of other Ohio cities by enacting a six-month moratorium.

Ohio Municipal League spokesman, Josh Brown, stated marijuana remains a Schedule 1 drug under the federal Controlled Substances Act, which makes the legalization of the drug “a very complex and difficult issue.”

Sources say that medical cannabis would be fully operational by 2018, a long wait for those who are in pain and need the treatment.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: You Can Be Fired For Using Medical Marijuana In Ohio, Despite Being Legal
Author: Elizabeth De Faria
Contact: (786) 363-0231
Photo Credit: Teresa Crawford
Website: Pulse Headlines