TN: Dozens Protest To Decriminalize Marijuana


Nashville, Tenn. – A group supportive of the push to decriminalize marijuana in Nashville took to the streets downtown.

“Green Cross Tennessee” was the group behind the event that took place Saturday.

Davidson County Sheriff Daron Hall came out this week in support of a measure that would decriminalize small amounts of marijuana in the county.

“Nobody should be afraid to show their support,” Green Cross Tennessee Executive Director Katherine Clark told NewsChannel 5. “If we can get support from the sheriff then why can’t we get support from the State?”

District 35 councilman Dave Rosenburg and other council members proposed the bill that would cut the penalties for anyone found with a half-ounce of marijuana or less.

People charged with possession of marijuana face a misdemeanor with up to a year in jail and a $2,500 fine.

The bill would reduce the punishment to a fine of $50 or community service.

“People get thrown away in prison for a plant that is actually helping heal and cure people,” Clark, who is diagnosed with congenital spinal stenosis, said. “We don’t need to be putting people in jail for this.”

The bill has been making its way through Metro Council.

It passed the first reading three weeks and moved to the Metro Public Safety, Beer, and Regulated Beverage Committee for a second reading on Tuesday.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Dozens Protest To Decriminalize Marijuana
Author: Staff
Contact: 615-248-5250
Photo Credit: Pamplin Media Group
Website: News Channel 5