MO: Jeff Mizanskey Fights For Marijuana Reform Bill On November Ballot


St. Louis – Today marks the anniversary of Jeff Mizanskey walking out of prison after spending more than two decades behind bars for marijuana convictions. Now, he’s fighting for change.

Since his parole, Mizanskey has been an advocate for marijuana law reform who is now trying to get a measure legalizing medical marijuana on the November ballot.

Mizanskey says he is more than grateful for all the help he has received over the years. His supporters raised funds, put up billboards and started a letter-writing campaign on his behalf. “If it wasn’t for people getting together, speaking up I would still be dying today,” he says.

However, Mizanskey adds he’s not the only person who needs help.

“I would like everyone to remember all our brothers and sister that are in prison who don’t have the voice I have, that don’t have the opportunity I have, don’t have the help. We have to do something about that,” says Mizanskey.

His solution? Becoming involved in local politics. Mizanskey encourages citizens to be active participants in their local and federal governments, especially through their vote.

“Our government is supposed to work for us and we can make them do that by getting out there and voting,” says Mizanskey. “Register to vote and vote. Let’s make some change, real change.”

The proposal is currently in the hands of the Cole County Circuit Court.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Jeff Mizanskey Fights For Marijuana Reform Bill On November Ballot
Author: Staff
Contact: CBS St. Louis
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Website: CBS St. Louis