CO: Meeting To Discuss Retail Marijuana


Grand Junction, Colo. – The town of Palisade will hold a town meeting today to discuss the proposal of recreational marijuana.

Recreational marijuana will hit the ballot again this year, that’s after it was turned down by just four votes when it first was on the ballot in 2014.

This year, the measure will be itemized into five different questions.

Voters can vote in favor or against: retail sale, cultivation, testing, infused product manufacture, and if passed, taxation of sales.

The town meeting will take place tonight at 6, at Palisade’s Community Center on Main Street.

If you’d like to speak about the measure at that meeting, call Richard Sales at 970-464-5602.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Meeting To Discuss Retail Marijuana
Author: Jeff Goldblatt
Contact: 970-242-5000
Photo Credit: Rashad Sisemore
Website: Western Slope Now