CA: Trinity Supes Pass Marijuana Ordinance, One Year Residency, 500 Permit Cap


Don’t expect to sign up today but Trinity County created a zoning ordinance for commercial medical marijuana cultivation regulation. On Tuesday the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to accept an urgency ordinance. According to the wording of the ordinance, “[T]here is a concern that if left unregulated, there will be a substantial increase of marijuana activity in the County.”

Trinity wrote into the ordinance some protections for their local communities. “The board recognizes the land rush phenomenon in other jurisdictions,” explained Carson Anderson, Senior Planner for Trinity County. He said that applicants must have a one year proof of residency and there is a cap of 500 permits allowed at this time.

According to Anderson, the Board was trying to protect local communities. “They don’t want to see a lot of outsiders pouring in,” he said.

In addition, growers can’t apply right away. “We’re a few months away from having the ability to register someone,” explained Carson Anderson this morning. He says that his department will spend the next few months putting together the forms and processes that a grower will have to go through to become compliant. Then Board of Supervisors will have to approve the process.

“We’ll look at other jurisdictions” who already have the ordinances, Anderson explained. “They were overwhelmed in Humboldt County….They weren’t prepared in terms of staffing…. One possible solution for Trinity is a manager and temporary staff.”

Anderson said the key thing he wants to emphasize is growers must first get a waiver of wastewater discharge from the Regional Water Control Board.

To read the Trinity County zoning ordinance for commercial medical marijuana cultivation regulation, click here for a pdf and scroll to page 29.

A very short summary of what it calls for (please read the information at the link above for a complete listing):


  • One year proof of residency
  • 500 permit cap
  • Board of Equalization Seller’s permit.
  • No “serious felony conviction…excluding a non-serious felony conviction for sale, transportation, or cultivation of marijuana, except if the conviction is on public lands.”
  • One Application “may be submitted per person/ or entity, or per legal parcel”
  • A waiver of wastewater discharge from the Regional Water Control Board.

Two tiers available:

  • Tier 1 may grow up to 5000 square feet. This costs a total of $5000 for the permit of which $1000 goes to the General Plan Update. The rest goes to the general fund.
  • Tier 2 up to 10,000 square feet. In Tier 2, some mixed light is allowed. This costs $6000 of which $1000 goes to the General Plan Update. The rest goes to the general fund.
  • Tier 3 is not currently allowed.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Trinity Supes Pass Marijuana Ordinance, One Year Residency, 500 Permit Cap
Author: Kym Kemp
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: Redheaded Blackbelt