IA: Medical Marijuana Is Still A Confusing Topic


The Register and the governor continue to confuse marijuana and cannabidiol. Meanwhile, the Drug Enforcement Agency insists marijuana has no proven medical benefit [Thistle: Is DEA under the influence regarding marijuana research? Aug. 21]. Two wrongs, no rights.

The medical researchers of Israel know better. There, doctors prescribe marijuana for chronic pain, arthritis, PTSD, anxiety and depression. Many people are helped.

Yet the DEA continues to classify marijuana as a Class I substance like heroin and keep it illegal. Another legacy of our “war on drugs.”

Meanwhile, cannabidiol in a hemp extract is legal in all 50 states. One example is Charlotte’s Web, available direct from the maker and from Amazon. Still, the DEA hampers cannabidiol research and only recently announced it might ease up.

Maybe change is near in Washington. What about Iowa?

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Medical Marijuana Is Still A Confusing Topic
Author: Mark Kane
Contact: (515) 284-8065
Photo Credit: Dick Hakes
Website: The Des Moines Register