NV: Sierra Nevada Forums Marijuana Panel To Feature Denver District Attorney


Confused about Nevada Ballot Question Q2? Learn what Denver’s District Attorney Mitchell Morrissey has experienced since passage of Colorado’s recreational marijuana bill.

Morrissey will be among a panel of guests scheduled to speak at the Sept. 13 Sierra Nevada Forums. The topic is: Realities of Recreational Marijuana, the Colorado Experience.

Also featured at the discussion will be Pam Graber, volunteer advocate for Nevadans for Responsible Drug Policy, and William Adler, Nevada Medical Marijuana Association Executive Director.

The forum will be moderated by Carson City District Attorney Jason Woodbury.

The event is Tuesday, Sept. 13 at the Brewery Arts Center Performance Hall, 511 West King Street in Carson City. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with the forum beginning at 6 p.m. The forum is free with donations appreciated.

Go to SierraNevadaForums.com for more information or call (775) 690-3913.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Sierra Nevada Forums Marijuana Panel To Feature Denver District Attorney
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