BC: Pot For Pets Is On The Rise For Some Vancouver Dispensaries


We know pot for humans is popular, but how about for your furry friends?

Some Vancouver dispensaries are seeing a boom in sales for this specific purpose.

Andrew Gordon with Cannawide Dispensary claims pot can help our four legged fiends with pain, inflammation, stress and even boosts energy.

“I’ve seen a pick-up in sales of about 20 to 30 per cent in the last month.”

Gordan adds that about 200 of his 2,000 members signed up just for their furry friends.

“They come in here and they had no intention of using cannabis at all but they are really interested in coming into the shop and accessing for pets.”

Some pet owners keep coming back for more

And Andrea Dobbs with the Village Cannabis Dispensary say owners swear by it.

“I have people whose cats used to tear there houses up and wail when they left the house, they no longer do so… I have people whose dogs’ hips were really tight because of old age, they are now running through the ocean and playing.”

Veterinarians need more proof

But Dr. Emilia Gordon with the SPCA says there’s no scientific proof that cannabis will actually help your pets.

“Mainstream veterinary community does not recommend giving marijuana to dogs at all for therapeutic purposes. We just simply don’t know, we just don’t know where that line is between doing something safely and causing a dog to get really sick. Bottom line is, we just don’t know.”

Gordon says while pot for animals is the rise, it’s not the first choice for veterinarians.

Andrew Gordon says cannabis treats have the chemical CBD in them.

Gordon says it doesn’t have any psychoactive effects, so basically, your animal can’t get high.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Pot For Pets Is On The Rise For Some Vancouver Dispensaries
Author: Emily Lazatin
Contact: 204-786-2471
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: 680 CJOB