CA: County Marijuana Committee Creating Policy In Case November Ballot Measure Passes


The Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee was created by the El Dorado County Supervisors to address taxation, cultivation, medical marijuana and other issues surrounding the use and distribution of the drug in the county.

During their next meeting on September 19, the committee will create administrative steps should the marijuana recreational use ballot measure pass in California in November. The meeting is from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Building C Hearing Room at 2850 Fairlane Court, Placerville. Members of stakeholder groups that would like to speak at one of the meetings are requested to email the County at the following email address: There will also be time available at each meeting for public comment.

To date, the Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee has met on four occasions: May 2 dealing with the structure of future meetings, June 20 to talk about cultivation, June 27 t discuss niche medical marijuana businesses (e.g. dispensaries, nurseries, etc.), and the August 22 meeting was to discuss compliance procedures regarding medical marijuana rules.

The committee is comprised of two members of the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors. The committee members will be collecting information at each of the meetings from different stakeholder groups, members of the public, and County departments regarding each meeting topic (e.g. taxation, compliance, etc.).
Background Information on the Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee

The El Dorado County Board of Supervisors created the ad hoc advisory committee at its March 15th , 2016 special meeting regarding medical marijuana. During the special meeting, the Board of Supervisors received an overview on the current medical marijuana laws and reports from County departments, stakeholder groups and the public on how medical marijuana policy decisions could affect them. At the conclusion of the meeting, the Board of Supervisors created the ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee to collect more information on different medical marijuana topics (e.g. cultivation, dispensaries, compliance, etc.).

The County did not conduct meetings regarding medical marijuana in 2015 due to the major statutory overhauls undertaken by the State of California that resulted in the Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act (MMRSA), signed in October 2015 and amended in February 2016. The County decided to wait before pursuing updated medical marijuana ordinances to ensure that any updates were consistent with the new State laws and regulations.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: County Marijuana Committee Creating Policy In Case November Ballot Measure Passes
Author: Staff
Contact: South Tahoe Now
Photo Credit: Seth Perlman
Website: South Tahoe Now