MA: Could Legalizing Recreational Pot Help Medical Marijuana Patients?


Chicopee, Mass. – The state maintains a list of people who have registered for a medical marijuana card. Supporters of “Yes on 4” believe recreational pot will help medical marijuana patients who don’t want to get the card.

The “Yes on 4” campaign told 22News that many people, especially veterans and federal employees, don’t want their names on the list out of fear of losing their federal benefits or pensions.

Remember, marijuana is still illegal under federal law. On November 8th, voters will decide whether to fully legalize, regulate, and tax the sale of marijuana for recreational use in Massachusetts.

Ballot question supporters believe full legalization would help veterans treat chronic pain.

Athol State Representative Susannah Whipps Lee expressed that she can’t support “Question 4” because she believes it’s written by the marijuana industry for their own benefit, saying, “When you remove local control, you tend to have problems. So if they want to regulate it (marijuana) like alcohol, you need to put it in the hands of the town to make some accommodations for what works for their communities and what doesn’t.”

Under the ballot question, only adults over the age of 21 would be able to purchase marijuana products.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Could Legalizing Recreational Pot Help Medical Marijuana Patients?
Author: Tiffany Chan
Contact: 413-377-1160
Photo Credit: Mario Anzuoni
Website: WWLP