420 Girl – Lynnette Shaw


“For years, the sick and terminally ill have been arrested, jailed and imprisoned for taking the medication of their choice. As lieutenant governor, I will stop this travesty. Medical cannabis was approved by the voters in 1996 and I promise to stop the federal government from overstepping their powers to interfere in medical choice. It has always been my opinion that government should be a referee and not a player in society. We need leadership that will foster the rights of citizens and their freedom to be left alone.” – Lynnette Shaw, founder of Marin’s Medical Marijuana Club, Fairfax, CA
Although the legalization of marijuana use, both for recreational and medical purposes, is sweeping the country, the woman who founded the nation’s first locally sanctioned medical marijuana dispensary in Fairfax some eighteen years ago is struggling to avoid homelessness. New laws are making it near impossible to stay open. – Lynette Shaw