MD: Economic Leaders Expect Boost From Medical Cannabis


Worcester County, Md. – There are two finalists for licenses from the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission in Worcester County. One processor and one grower made the final 15, respectively. Economic leaders in Worcester County believe the two cannabis business could provide a big economic boost to the county.

There is still plenty to figure out before any medical cannabis is planted or processed on the Eastern Shore, or anywhere across the state of Maryland. The 15 potential processors and 15 possible growing businesses have a lot to prove to the state before they are issued an official license. Plus, local government and economic leaders have a lot to figure out when it comes to how this industry will be integrated into their local economy.

“So it presents a brand new regulatory environment for the county. It presents a brand new revenue stream for the county. And so there are a lot of unknowns at this point that we will be learning and finding out over the next year or two,” said Meredith Mears, the Director of Worcester County Economic Development.

Worcester County has one possible processor and one possible grower in the list of finalists released by the cannabis commission. Blair Wellness Center is the processor and Shore Natural RX is the grower. Overall on the Eastern Shore, there are three grower finalists and five processor finalists. In Worcester County, Mears believes the new industry can help fill a need.

“The opportunity for jobs, and not only jobs, but high paying jobs. We’re going to see people employed in these businesses from medical doctors, to pharmacists, to sales people, to technicians, to security personnel,” said Mears.

And the Worcester County Economic Development Director believes having a grower and processor in the county will spawn spin-off business but also align with two other major industries in the county, agriculture, and healthcare.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Economic Leaders Expect Boost From Medical Cannabis
Author: Bill Mich
Contact: WBOC
Photo Credit: CBS
Website: WBOC