AZ: Regulation And Taxation Of Marijuana Act Qualifies For Ballot


Marijuana Initiative qualifies for the ballot.

Phoenix – Secretary of State Michele Reagan has notified Governor Doug Ducey that initiative measure I-08-2016, the Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act, has met the signature requirements for placement on the November 8, 2016 General Election ballot.

The Secretary of State’s office has certified that the number of signatures for the initiative are in excess of the minimum required by the constitution to place a measure on the general election ballot. The number of valid signatures filed with this petition, based on the random sample, appears to be at least one hundred percent of the minimum required or through examination of each signature has been certified to be greater than the minimum required by the constitution.

To qualify for the ballot, the county recorders were required to validate at least 7,681 total signatures with no worse than a 38.4% signature failure rate.

The county recorders validated 8,864 signatures and disqualified 3,611 signatures, resulting in a 28.95% signature failure rate.

Pursuant to state law the estimated total number of valid signatures is 177,258, which exceeds the 150,642 minimum signatures to qualify for the ballot under the Arizona Constitution.

The Secretary of State’s Office has notified the Governor that a sufficient number of signatures have been filed and that the initiative will be placed the general election ballot.

The initiative will be assigned Proposition 205.

The General Election will be held on November 8, 2016 with early voting beginning on October 12. For more information on the ballot measure, visit Arizona Votes Home Page.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Regulation And Taxation Of Marijuana Act Qualifies For Ballot
Author: Matt Roberts
Photo Credit: Seth McConnell
Website: Prescott News