CA: State Food And Agriculture Board Holds Discussion On Marijuana Cultivation


August 6, 2016 – On Tuesday, the California State Board of Food and Agriculture (Board) held a detailed discussion surrounding all aspects of medical marijuana cultivation. The discussion coincides with the Department of Food and Agriculture’s continued development of licensing regulations for cultivators by the January 1, 2018 deadline.

The Board entertained three presentations from varying perspectives on cultivation, including nationwide cannabis advocates, growers from California that want to legitimize the industry, and the agency representatives charged with developing regulations and licensing schemes to ensure the health of California’s environment and economy as medicinal cultivation becomes a legal endeavor within the State. A recording of the entire August 2, 2016 meeting can be accessed here.

News Moderator: Katelyn Baker
Full Article: Rural County Representatives Of California Reports State Food And Agriculture Board Holds Discussion On Marijuana Cultivation
Author: Staff
Contact: (209) 742-4136
Photo Credit: Getty Images
Website: Sierra Sun Times