420 Girl – Misha

420 Girls
420 Girls

Age: 28
Birthplace: Australia
Residence: Hollywood, CA

Why do you smoke Marijuana?
Many reasons…relaxation, creativity, still the mind and better appreciate the senses.

How often do you smoke?
Whenever i feel like it!…which is quite often 😀

Why do you think Marijuana should be legal?
Because it’s a damn plant! It has so many positive uses….Medicinal, agricultural, culinary, creative….

What do you like to do when you get high?
Sew, cook, refurbish furniture, creative play.

What is your coolest 420 fantasy?
Being stranded on a beautiful sparkling beach with all the green treasures a pirate princess could want. 

Do you smoke Marijuana for any medicinal purpose?
I’m quite the perfectionist…weed keeps me a little more chilled…not so stressed ya know.

Do you own anything made from Hemp?
A bag…some chocolate, and some linens.

What’s your favorite munchie when you’re high?
Dark chocolate coated orange peel!

What’s the best bud you’ve ever had?
Some really nice Sativas in Amsterdam…when I was living there last year.

What is your favorite thing about Marijuana?
That warm welcoming feeling as though you’re welcoming an old friend…

What is your favorite method of smoking?
Joints baby.

What is your favorite stoner movie?
Super Troopers.

Who is your favorite 420 Band?
The John Butler Trio

What was the funniest thing that happened to you while you were high?
Trying to get it together for more pictures in this photo shoot once I’m already so damn high!

Is there anything you would like to say to our viewers?
Some Green every day should keep the doctor away baby!