420 Girl – Marcy Dolan


“I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at age 36. The MS drugs they have are for younger people. Over 50 years old, they don’t work the way they should. The biggest issue is the nasty muscle spasms in the arms and legs. I have spasms internally as well. For the MS I had to take this drug Neurontin, which made me feel like I was underwater. I had to take larger and larger doses to do the simplest things. I couldn’t live that way anymore, so I stopped. I was using marijuana at the time and I noticed when I didn’t smoke the pain returned. I don’t sit in a hole and float away listening to music. It’s for my health and life. I’m so glad to be able to use it. It has enabled me to live a normal life. I’m not a person who sits at home. I’m out there living a life”. – Marcy Dolan, 71, of Rohnert Park, California