420 Girl: Celeste

420 Girls
420 Girls

Age: 20
Birthplace: Los Angeles, CA
Residence: Los Angeles, CA

Why do you smoke Marijuana?
To get through the day.

How often do you smoke?
All day, every day.

What do you like to do when you get high?
Play video games.

What is your coolest 420 fantasy?
To smoke some AK-47 & White Widow

Do you smoke Marijuana for any medicinal purpose?

Do you own anything made from Hemp?

What’s your favorite munchie when you’re high?
Sour gummie bears.

What’s the best bud you’ve ever had?
Kush & Trainwreck!

What is your favorite thing about Marijuana?
The potent smell.

What is your favorite method of smoking?

What is your favorite stoner movie?
How High & Half Baked.

Who is your favorite 420 Band?

If you could state our case to the President, what would you say?

What was the funniest thing that happened to you while you were high?
I’m too stoned, I don’t remember.

Is there anything you would like to say to our viewers?
Get lifted.